Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Basic pitch

I should of mentioned this before the storyboards and pre-vis but actually forgot that I did this process.
The basic pitch is a good way of getting your story idea across.  It usually consists of your main story points laid out on a board similar to a comic book. It doesn't have to be works of art...as you can tell as long as it can give people an idea of what you're saying.   Unlike Storyboards you don't need to worry about every camera angle, only the ones that move the story forward.

I started this with the intent of showing it to friends and family, so that they'd have a better idea of what I was on about when I kept telling them that I wanted to tell a story about an old bag.

I didn't get very far,  to be honest it got to the point where I decided it was quicker for me to just storyboard everything then show it to people. If there were things that didn't work I could then change them in the storyboard.
But if you are trying to get funding or trying to pitch your idea to colleagues, then this is a good way to go.

Another area I skipped simply because I was running out of time having only four months left to complete the whole project, was mood boards and concept art.  These are great to get an idea of what the final image could look like.  It gives the artists a good idea of what to aim for when creating the worlds and colour palettes that are within the film.
I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted in my head and seeing as there was no one else involved I decided to skip this process.

Having said that I always use reference. It's never a good idea to go into any part of the process blind, be it modelling an airport or animating someone lifting something. Always have reference at hand, even if it is just one photo of one small video clip.

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